Welcome to tidalapi’s documentation!


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Unofficial Python API for TIDAL music streaming service.

0.7.0 Rewrite

Currently the project is being rewritten to make it easier to maintain and create documentation for, see https://github.com/tamland/python-tidal/projects/1 for progress. There may be breaking changes, but i might be able to keep the current usage for a deprecation period. Anyways, you should probably wait with writing pull requests until 0.7.0 has been released.


Install from PyPI using pip:

$ pip install tidalapi

Example usage

import tidalapi

session = tidalapi.Session()
# Will run until you visit the printed url and link your account
tracks = session.get_album_tracks(album_id=16909093)
for track in tracks:


Documentation is available at https://0-6-x–tidalapi.netlify.app/